School Council
Our School Council play an active role in the life of our school. Two class representatives are elected from each class (Y2-Y6) creating a council made up of 20 children aged 6-11. The School Council meet at least every half term to bring the child voice of the school alive and make sure it is heard throughout the school.
During the 2022-23 school year the School Council:
· identified homeless people as a vulnerable group within our community and pledged to raise awareness of homelessness through fundraising for The King’s Lynn Night Shelter.
Following a suggestion from a council member that a whole school assembly would raise awareness of the issues surrounding homelessness, 2 volunteers from the Night Shelter arrived one afternoon with a gallery of pictures and a wealth of information which made it clear to everyone what homelessness was all about. A Bring ‘n’ Buy sale was held by the School Council in January which raised £240 and other fundraising ideas include a £1 Non-Uniform day, buckets for loose change and a disco (as we have a DJ on the School Council). The grand total of £1000 is hoped to be raised by the end of July.
· discussed ways in which Queen Elizabeth II could be remembered by the children at Whitefriars.
An oak tree was planted on the field (donated very kindly by the Borough Council) and each child contributed either a picture or a prayer for a big Book of Remembrance currently housed in the school library.
· updated the 25 Things to do before you leave Whitefriars booklet.
Class Councils were asked to discuss activities to be included in this booklet which the School Council then debated before making a decision on behalf of all the children in the school.
· suggested positive actions to reward excellent attendance.
The School Council’s ideas were voted on by every child in every class which resulted in a non-uniform day for the class in EYFS/KS1 and KS2 with the highest attendance.
School Council Meeting 7th June 2024School Council Meeting 17th April 2024
School Council Meeting 8th November
School Council Meeting - 4th October 2023
School Council Meeting - 3rd May 2023
School Council Meeting - 1st March 2023
School Council Meeting - 8th February 2023
School Council Meeting - 4th January 2023
School Council Meeting - 23rd November 2022
School Council 2023-24
25 Things to do Before You Leave Whitefriars
The Whitefriars ’25 Things to do Before You Leave Whitefriars’ is designed to further enhance our outstanding curriculum. It gives every child the opportunity to participate in 25 experiences which they will remember for a lifetime. It has evolved from discussions about the National Trust’s top 50 things to do before you are 11 ¾ . Each one of the top 25 is designed to push boundaries of experiences traditionally associated with school. The key idea behind it is to give children access to a range of experiences which they will always remember!
The list was constructed by the children and teachers of Whitefriars. First each class council constructed their own list which the school council representatives, after much discussion, collated into a single list. Teachers and other school staff also constructed their own list which was taken back to the school council and added where possible. Initial ideas were discussed, some were eliminated, others were expanded upon. The final ’25 Things to do!!’ experiences have been developed following these meetings.
Click here to access the '25 Things to do before you leave Whitefriars' booklet
School Council 2022/23