Whitefriars Church of England Primary Academy

Relationships, Sex & Health Education (RSHE) Consultation

1st September 2021

Dear Parents/Carers Relationships, Sex & Health Education Parent Consultation: Feedback

The advertised RSHE Consultation closed last term on 14th May 2021. The purpose of the consultation was to gather feedback on our reviewed RSE curriculum & also share with parents & career what the curriculum will look like entering the academic year 2021-2022. 

I would like to thank all parents & carers who took the time to submit responses & completed the questionnaire. The responses gathered from parents were highly positive about the proposed changes to our curriculum & the overwhelming consensus was that these changes reflected modern family living & current & respectful thinking. They also provided us with valuable information in order to assist the implementation of the new national guidelines that have come into effect.

The outcome of the consultation has informed us to take the following additional measures:

• School will produce additional guidance for parents on how to speak to their child about relationships & sex issues (requests particularly relate to age appropriate conversations)

• Additional details of curriculum content will be made available & presented to parents/carers

• Year group specific communication will be sent prior to delivery of curriculum content. This will include a list of vocabulary that will be taught & questions that may be raised. We hope that this will enable parents to support learning & conversations that might occur at home following any teaching

• Details of the cross curricular aspects of RSE has been made clear ie Science Curriculum on our Curriculum Map for RSHE • We have asked the diocese to recommend reading/books (aimed at children) that teach about relationships & sexuality from the Christian/Church perspective should parents want to use these alongside more general secular texts we might use as part of our teaching.

The Diocese are currently looking into helping us with this Finally, please note full curriculum documents will be available on our school website so that parents & carers are able to view them as appropriate.

Yours sincerely

Susan Barrett

AHT, SENDCO, RSHE Curriculum Subject Lead

Parental Presentation - Helping your child to stay safe and thrive in the modern world 

Top tips for talking to your child

KS1 RSE Curriculum Overview

KS2 RSE Curriculum Overview

Our proposed RHSE Policy

DFE Guidance for Parents