whitefriars curriculum policy update october 23 .pdf
Curriculum Vocabulary Spine
Curriculum Enrichment
25 things to do at Whitefriars
Planned trips and enrichment activitiesCurriculum Enrichment Timetable
Art - Key Vocabulary Lists by Year
Removing Barriers to the Art Curriculum for Whitefriars
Whitefriars Computing Progression of Skills
Whitefriars Creative Curriculum Themes
Removing Barriers to the Computing Curriculum at Whitefriars
Computing in the Early Years Foundation Stage
Design Technology
DT Progression of language whole school
DT Progression of skills whole school
Removing barriers to the design and technology curriculum
Removing Barriers to the Geography Curriculum for Whitefriars Pupils
History - Golden Thread for parents
Chronology and historical enquiry skills progression
Removing barriers to the History Curriculum for Whitefriars Pupils
Whitefriars Calculation Policy
Whitefriars Maths Scheme of Work
Curriculum Objective Reception
2022 Information for parents - Y4 Multiplication tables check
Modern Foreign Languages
Removing Barriers to the MFL Curriculum at Whitefriars
Progression With Outcomes - Year 1
Progression With Outcomes - Year 2
Progression With Outcomes - Year 3
Progression With Outcomes - Year 4
Progression With Outcomes - Year 5
Progression With Outcomes - Year 6
Whitefriars Oracy policy and scheme of learning
Read Write Inc Progress Expectations
Physical Education
Vocabulary Pyramids All Sports
Skills and Knowledge Progression Ladders Athletics
Reception - EYFS
EYFS curriculum overview - Autumn 1
EYFS curriculum overview - Autumn 2
EYFS curriculum overview - Spring 1
EYFS curriculum overview - Spring 2
EYFS curriculum overview - Summer 1
EYFS curriculum overview - Summer 2
Removing Barriers to the Writing Curriculum
Religious Education
Science Vocabulary progression
Whole School Approach to Science
What does Science at Whitefriars look like?
Removing barriers to the Primary Science curriculum for Whitefriars
Working Scientifically - Year 1 and 2
Working Scientifically - Year 3 and 4
Working Scientifically - Year 5 and 6
Science Gallery
Writing Curriculum Map Reception
What does Writing at Whitefriars look like?
Removing Barriers to the Writing Curriculum for Whitefriars pupils
Autumn Term 2024-25 Knowledge Organisers
Reception - It's good to be me!
Reception - The World Around Us
Spring Term 2024-25 Knowledge Organisers
Saplings Spring Roald Dahl and Chocolate Knowledge Organiser
Reception Spring Dinosaurs Knowledge Organiser
Reception Spring 2 - Living and Growing
EYFS Living and Growing Knowledge Organiser
Y1 A Long Time Ago Knowledge Organiser
Y1 Poles Apart Knowledge OrganiserY3 Chocolate Knowledge Organiser
Y4 Rainforest Knowledge Organiser
Y5 Anglo Saxon Knowledge Organiser
Y6 Underground/Overground Knowledge Organiser
Summer Term 2023-24 Knowledge Organisers
Y1 - Sea and Sky Knowledge Organisers
Y2 - Around the World Knowledge Organiser
Y3 - Charlotte's Web Knowledge Organiser (Summer 1)Y3 - Ancient Greece Knowledge Organiser (Summer 2)
Y4 - Kings Lynn Knowledge Organiser
Y5 -Treasure Island Knowledge Organiser
Y6 - Egyptians Knowledge Organiser
Home Learning Expectations
Learning Journeys
We record our exciting topic work on our Learning Journey displays
Learning Journeys
Learning Journeys