When may I visit the Class Teacher or Headteacher?
Teachers are keen to have as close contact with parents as possible and should always be your first point of contact. Teachers are available out on the playground straight after school so that parents can see them to discuss any small queries. Anything that is going to take longer than a few minutes may require an appointment. If the class teacher is unable to help, then an appointment with the Assistant Headteacher can be booked via the School Office but always use the class teacher as the first point of contact. Please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher if you have any worries or problems.
Class Dojo
Our main tool for communication with parents is ClassDojo. This app helps you to communicate with your child’s class teacher via messages so you can contact them directly. Teachers will always aim to respond to messages as soon as realistically possible but any urgent messages during the school day should be directed to the school office.
On Class Dojo, you will be kept up to date with school events, we share lots of news stories, updates and important information. Each week, teachers share a weekly overview of what learning has taken place so that you can be kept up to date, as much as possible, with your child’s learning journey. Your child also has their own online portfolio where you can upload pictures of their home learning.
Find out more at
Do you issue end of year reports?
All parents are supplied with a termly written report. These reports are discussed in our Parents’ Evenings which are held regularly to enable parents and teachers to discuss children’s progress.
We would urge all parents to try to attend Parents’ Evenings and Open Sessions both for your own information and also as a demonstration to your child of your interest in his/her education.
There is little doubt that a parent’s interest in and attitude towards their child’s education is the greatest single factor which affects a child’s progress at our Academy. By visiting the Academy whenever you have the opportunity and by showing your child that you are interested in everything that happens, you will make sure that your child obtains the maximum benefit from his / her education.