Our wonderful Ofsted report November 2022
Just after half term, Ofsted visited us to complete an ungraded inspection. They spent 2 days in school analysing everything that we do. It was an extremely thorough process which involved: lesson observations, pupil and staff interviews, looking at the children’s books, examining behaviour of the children around the school and more.
The report states that if it had been a graded inspection then the school would have been judged as Outstanding (which is incredible!) Ofsted will be returning to the school soon (usually within a year) to complete a graded inspection and hopefully award us an Outstanding judgement!
The report is wonderfully positive with so many lovely comments which reinforce what a truly special school Whitefriars is!
• Pupils flourish in this highly ambitious and inclusive school.
• Pupils in all year groups behave exceptionally well in lessons and around the school. They demonstrate high levels of respect and kindness towards each other.
• Pupils have very positive attitudes towards their learning and there is no disruption in lessons.
• Leaders and staff know their school and community exceptionally well. They have created a school where every pupil gets the academic and pastoral support they need to thrive.
• There is an unwavering determination to provide the very best learning experience for all pupils.
• Pupils are immersed in the school’s reading culture, developing an enthusiasm for all kinds of reading material.
• Pupils’ personal development is promoted extensively throughout the school.
• Leaders have created an exceptionally caring community where pupils’ well-being, welfare and safety is a top priority.
Please take time to read and enjoy the report! I am very lucky to be the headteacher of such a brilliant school.
Mr Tuckwood