Monday 2 December 2024 Whitefriars at County Cross Country Finals
Friday 15 November 2024 Recycling Centre visits the school
Tuesday 12 November 2024 Cross Country winners! Earlier this week, 10 children represented our school at the second round of the area cross country championships. The children all did amazingly well and we are super proud of all of them!A special mention to Maya and Emma who both achieved 2nd place in their races which is just incredible.
Wednesday 2 October 2024 Success at Awards Ceremony! Last night we won Primary School of the Year at the EDP Education Awards. This is another wonderful achievement – what a year 2024 has been – amazing SIAMS, outstanding Ofsted and now primary school of the year! You should be incredibly proud of this recognition as it is a testament to the staff's hard work, dedication and love for Whitefriars! Also a special mention to Sarah Whomes who was a finalist in the Outstanding Contribution for SEND – to be a finalist is just incredible!
Monday 1 July 2024 Whitefriars Got Talent 2024
Wednesday 26 June 2024 Sports Day 2024
Thursday 28 March 2024 The BFG visits Whitefriars! On 20 March 2024 we were really lucky to have Tony Pedley visit us with his BFG show!Tony has worked for the Royal Shakespeare Company and has performed in London as the BFG 1746 times!
Friday 8 March 2024 Nice to meet 'ewe' As reported in the local paper, our children have been taking part in the Learning about Livestock project, which gives children the opportunity to look after a ewe and its lambs.
Thursday 7 March 2024 Tag Rugby February 2024 A wonderful afternoon at West Norfolk Rugby club, 10 of our Year 6 children participated in the Tag Rugby Festival. The children had a fantastic day, the children grew in confidence throughout the afternoon and thoroughly their time. It was a non- competitive event focusing on fun and enjoyment. A couple of standout players from the day, Ollie and Harry were scoring tries and Olivia was our player of the day for her enthusiasm and try scoring ability.
Thursday 7 March 2024 More funds raised for Tapping House Hospice
Monday 12 February 2024 Bottle Tombola for Tapping House Hospice
Friday 2 February 2024 Funds raised for Tapping House Hospice On 19 January a Bring and Buy sale was held in school, in aid of the Tapping House Hospice. We are very grateful for all of the toys, books, games and puzzles which were donated. We are delighted to announce that the sale raised £182 for this worthwhile cause.
Friday 26 January 2024 Cedar Class investigates chocolate! The thumbnail has been assigned to the news item, and for convenience also added to the body here:
Thursday 4 January 2024 Oracy assemblies We held two public speaking assemblies during the second half of the Autumn term. The children in years one to four had a topic to discuss. As a class they discussed the for and against for their chosen topic. The children then volunteered to speak in assembly. As a class the children discussed how they would speak in public successfully: use a clear voice, speak in standard English, make eye contact with the audience and speak at a steady pace.
Tuesday 28 November 2023 Young Carer Update On Friday our Young Carer's were treated to a visit from some therapy animals. They really enjoyed having a cuddle with the baby rabbits and guinea pigs.This event was supported by Cherry Tree Farm and funded by Tesco.At our next group we will be doing some Christmas crafts. If you think your child may qualify as a young carer please get in touch with me.
Thursday 9 November 2023 Cross Country (Round 2) This morning Mrs Leeson and I have the privilege of taking 9 children from across Key Stage 2 to the second round of the cross country school championships where they raced against schools from all over West Norfolk!They all did incredibly well and were so supportive of each other. A huge congratulations to them all but a special mention to Maya (year 4) and Alise (year 6) who are through to the final county round. Alise was presented with a special medal for achieving 3rd place in the Year 6 girl’s race.A truly great morning (also a big thank you to the wonderful parents who joined our cheering squad!)Mr Tuckwood and Mrs Leeson
Wednesday 1 November 2023 Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2023 Laura Senter would like to thank everyone involved in this year’s shoe box appeal. We brought toys, hats, gloves, underwear, toothbrushes, soap, sponges, colouring books, stationery, hair accessories, notebooks, calculators, crafts, playdough and lots more with the money raised from the cake sale and other fundraising completed outside of school. We have packed 85 shoe boxes for girls and boys. This is an amazing amount and we are very grateful to everyone who supported. The shoe boxes will be collected next week. These will then be sent around the world to children who have very little or children who are sadly living in countries at war.
Monday 16 October 2023 How World War 2 affected King's Lynn Y5 went on a trip to see how King's Lynn was affected during WW2... they found out about minesweepers in the Wash, they went down the air raid shelter underneath the Tuesday Market Place, visited the outside of the Eagle pub which got destroyed by a bomb in June 1942 and then to the Walks and the War Memorial .
Thursday 12 October 2023 Cross Country Success Today Mr Tuckwood and Mrs Leeson had the privilege of taking 25 children to the King’s Lynn cross country competition!The children were all incredible and they all gave it everything!! Not one bit of walking!Overall we achieved 13 ‘Top 10’ positions with 3 children achieving first place.We were blown away not only by the children’s effort (it was a longggg way to run) but also by their support for each other and other runners.They were really a pleasure to take. A big thank you to the parents who came along to cheer. You must be super proud.Mr Tuckwood ??????????????
Thursday 5 October 2023 Harvest Festival Foodbank Collection The King's Lynn Foodbank were blown away by the generosity of our families at the Harvest Festival Foodbank collection.
Friday 29 September 2023 Record Breaking Coffee Morning! Thank you to everyone who attended and supported the Macmillan Coffee morning this year!
Thursday 21 September 2023 Summer Reading Challenge 2023 Congratulations to all the children who completed the Summer Reading Challenge!68 children completed the challenge compared to only 21 children last year!Well done to all of you!
Thursday 21 September 2023 Summer Reading Challenge
Monday 17 July 2023 RE Quality Award We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the silver RE Quality Mark. This is in recognition of how we are developing and implementing strategies that generate
Tuesday 11 July 2023 Art Exhibition 2023 The children (and staff) have been working hard on creating masterpieces based on artists ranging from Claris Cliff to Freida Kahol.
Thursday 29 June 2023 Year 4 visit to The Minster Year 4 enjoyed their recent trip to King’s Lynn Minster together with other schools to learn all about local woman Margery Kempe and Julian of Norwich. The children really enjoyed learning about the Medieval period and these two important women who were significant for their writing and their devotion to religion.
Friday 23 June 2023 Football Team Report - 23 June 2023 Fairstead vs Whitefriars 3-2 Win!Very different surroundings for us this week, an away game. We played on a much larger pitch and increased the players to 9 a side. We normally play 7 a side so this was a big challenge for our team. We were into the wind in the first half which took a while to get used to. We conceded first, a fantastic save from Codey but unfortunately the rebound fell to their striker, 0-1.We responded well, creating multiple chances. Josh had shots saved in the 6th and 13th minutes. Iwan also tested the keeper with two excellent shots. We pressed high up the pitch with Alise and Jacob intercepting passes in midfield. This lead to counter attacks resulting in passes by Jacob and David through to our attackers. The defence held strong with tackles from Ashton, Ollie and David. We tackled well with full commitment from Alise and George. We were unlucky to be losing at half time.After half time, Codey makes a save worthy of professional level, rushing out at their
Thursday 22 June 2023 Whitefriars' got talent 2023 What a fantastic night we had at our annual talent contest! The talent on show was so varied and we were impressed by them all.
Thursday 15 June 2023 Father's Day Event Thank you so much to all our current and future families who attended the Father's Day Event.
Friday 9 June 2023 Football Team Report - 9th June 2023 A fantastic game from both sides. We welcomed back Sam and Alise who missed our last few matches. It was a very calm start from the team. Alise and Finley were very composed on the ball and this allowed us to get control of the game. Codey continued to be at his excellent best making a few brave saves, rushing out at the attackers. We were unlucky to concede early on but this didn’t stop us. The attack of Josh, Alise, Sam and Iwan created lots of pressure, winning the ball up the pitch. Some great passing created a few chances but we didn’t manage to score. George came on after 12 minutes and got our equaliser 1-1! A shot from distance was powerful enough to beat their keeper.Second half! We dominated the first 15 minutes. A great run, turn and shot from Josh (video 1) put us in front 2-1! A few minutes later and we had another. Iwan striking the ball into the bottom corner 3-1! Excellent calm defensive play from Ollie and David kept us in control. Matas came on with Jacob