Whitefriars Church of England Primary Academy

Eco Council

Eco Council 2023-2024

Our Eco Council are passionate about making Whitefriars and our local area a more environmentally friendly place. Two class representatives are elected from each class (year 2 – year 6) creating an Eco Council of 20 children. 

So far, we have been busy with the following:

  • Tackling the amount of litter on our field and in our local area. We have encouraged volunteers to use the litter pickers at break and lunchtimes. The Eco Council launched a whole school poster competition to make an Anti-litter poster. We had so many wonderful submissions it was hard to pick the winners.
  • The winning posters were made into hard copies and displayed around the outside of our school gates.
  • The Eco Council have created writing equipment recycling bags for each class to collect old pens/writing equipment. We had something similar in previous years. Below is what can/can't be collected. These will be taken to Rymans to be recycled.  



Future points to action:

  • We are in the process of adding areas of wildflowers to our school grounds to link with the King’s wish for his coronation.
  • To contact local garden centres via letter/email to see if they will provide pollinator friendly plants for the beds outside Year 4/5.

Eco Council Summer Term Meeting 2023



Eco Council